Initial D
Initial D is a 2005 live-action film based on the Japanese Initial D manga and anime series. Initial D follows Takumi Fujiwara, a tofu delivery boy, as he reluctantly battles is way deep into the downhill street racing scene. In the midst of all this street racing is a poorly written love story along with an interesting twist of fate in the form of a second chance for a new generation. The character development is classic manga, not only that but this may be the best adaption of manga character to live-action.
Unbeknownst to Takumi, he has been drifting a highly modified Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT-APEX (AE86). He always thought his dad’s car was just a normal AE86, and that his dad was just a tofu man. It turns out this his father was actually a well known street racer in his day. For those that love the downhill touge racing of japan there are some great scenes with appearances of the Silvia (S13), RX-7 (FC3S), and the Skyline (GT-R). Just about anyone can appreciate the amazing twists and turns of Mt Haruna which appears on film as My Akina.
Initial D is a 2005 live-action film based on the Japanese Initial D manga and anime series. I have always been interested in this series but for one reason or another had never gotten around to actually reading it. Any movie that has the phrase live-action attached to it starts off with very low expectations in my eyes. I was so surprised that I liked this movie that I couldn’t decided how to score it.